À la découverte de Naomi Fontaine

À la découverte de Naomi Fontaine

Cette année, j'ai fait la grande découverte de Naomi Fontaine, auteure innue de la communauté de Uashat, sur la côte Nord du fleuve Saint-Laurent. Ses romans sont courts, mais percutants; remplis de tendresse et de sensibilité. Naomi Fontaine est un auteure qu'il faut lire en entier, en plus de s'engager à suivre tout ce qu'elle publie.

Story of an Occupation

Story of an Occupation

On October 16, there were 11 of us to walk up to Ontario Premier Doug Ford's constituency office in Etobicoke. Since his arrival to power 17 months ago, two workers have lost their lives in the same commercial bakery located a mere six minute drive from Ford's office.

Public debate, public governance: what's missing from the Sidewalk Labs project | What's Left Issue 110

Public debate, public governance: what's missing from the Sidewalk Labs project | What's Left Issue 110

The dog days of summer saw a new development in what some are calling a new world-historical event, and not in a good way. It is the creation of Sidewalk Labs on the Toronto waterfront through an *innovative* (one hears this word a lot) and perhaps unholy alliance between the Alphabet subsidiary (Alphabet is both Google's and Sidewalk Labs' parent company) and an odd bird of municipal governance, Waterfront Toronto.

Graduate student issues and the academy | Graham Cox

A version of this article was presented to the Canadian Federation of Students-Ontario 2018 general meeting. The domination of the neoliberal view for the previous nearly four decades has meant that all public spending has to be couched as supporting the private economy. Even for something as basic as higher education cannot be described as having an inherent value, it must be commodified and linked to some private sector profit. In the case of university, public funding is only available because it is part of the private sectors desire to have skilled workers. As such, a post-secondary education degree is only talked about as a pathway to a job, and not as a valuable process by itself.

Alberta Conservatives Start Governing by Attacking Worker Rights and Future Generations

The newly elected United Conservative Party under Jason Kenney announced in the speech from the throne that their main priority is to drive wages down for workers, remove protections for workers at work, defund their political opposition, and undermine future generations in Alberta and around the world. Bill 1 is to attack the environment – kicking them while they are down. Bill 2 is going to attack workers, their unions, wages, youth, and health & safety for employees.

What is a general strike?

What is a general strike?

Today is May Day, International Workers' Day. With roots in the workers' struggle for an 8-hour work day, this day has been marked for more than a century in countries across the world. May Day is a great day for socialists, labour organizers and agitators to draw connections between the workers' struggle under capitalism and the gains we have made in history. May Day is marked around the world with cultural celebrations and also protests where workers' rights are under attack.

Lancement de Vendredi Français

Lancement de Vendredi Français

Notre collaboratrice Roxanne Dubois publie un nouveau bulletin hebdomadaire intitulé vendredi français qui s'adresse aux francophones et aux francophiles. Le vendredi, le bulletin présente une sélection de bouchées de culture en français à lire et à apprécier. Roxanne partage des écrits originaux: des nouvelles, poèmes et de l'écriture créative sous plusieurs formes. De temps à autre, elle partage aussi du contenu externe en français comme de la musique, de l'art, des vidéos et des liens médiatiques.

Ontario Budget 2019 undermines the academic system | Graham Cox

Ontario Budget 2019 undermines the academic system | Graham Cox

The Ford Government's cuts to the university sector puts additional strain on an already stressed funding system. The new budget drives an aggressive free-market agenda obsessed with short-term results that does not work in a university setting and will undermine teaching, learning, and research in Ontario. The announced direction for Strategic Mandate Agreement's (SMAs) will drive universities to align their teaching and research priorities with short-term labour market demands. This will undermine of the long-term research and teaching objectives at the heart of quality academic education and research. In short, the budget is a disaster for the academy and will bring hardship to the workers, students, and faculty on our campuses.