Diversifying export markets and internal trade

Diversifying export markets and internal trade

The abundance of resources is not enough for Canadian production and export to be commercially viable. And, trade between provinces is limited by the same thing it always was in Canada: distance. The solutions to ensure sustained prosperity of the Canadian people rests with the old ideas of economic solidarity through federal, provincial, and municipal owned companies.

Not looking hard enough

Not looking hard enough

Before Trump was elected, there was a lot of discussions and warnings about what we should avoid doing in response to Trump. Things like avoiding the idea that he means what he says, that we should analyse the psychology of the statements, that we should only pay attention to one of the things instead of looking wholistically at what is happening. We were warned that we should also avoid thinking that there is no plan or that it is all the work of some madman. Why do we seem to have forgotten this warning?

Excuses versus reasons

The biggest white lies we tell each other are when excuses do not match the real reasons we are doing something. Trump has expanded this out to American policy, the lies are bigger but the concept is the same.

AI efficiency, supply, and demand

Energy and processing power analysts are very taken with the Jevons paradox. The concept is that as energy or processing power become more efficient, demand expands to use up that increased efficiency and everyone wins. It has been applied in great haste by investors and firms in the AI space. Especially since much more efficient open source solutions have been made available commercially (such as DeepSeek).



The word 'resiliency' is one of the more overused words in the wake of the pandemic. Things that were disrupted because of lack of proper investment include our supply chains that move goods around the world. It is not just global pandemics that cause major crises along these supply chains.

Taxes and production

Taxes and production

An issue arises when we look at taxes inevitably raised to pay the debt or for the increased spending. There is some strange thing that happens where people expect not to have to pay for things that the government does. Many think every tax dollar they pay is extra spending, even if they suddenly do not have to pay the directly out of pocket higher price in the private market any more. Math is hard and net savings are not obvious to people. The left should start talking about state revenue generation as an alternative.

Unions and natural gas

Unions and natural gas

Carbon neutrality in the energy system is not the end of the use of natural gas, but it will result in the shift of focus on the use of natural gas from energy to production. If done correctly, this will not mean a /reduction/ in the work available. But, it will mean a shift in the focus of where that work happens. However, a redirection in the focus of work and investment is very problematic for current revenue programs of industry leading companies in Canada.