Industrial Strategy

Unions and natural gas

Unions and natural gas

Carbon neutrality in the energy system is not the end of the use of natural gas, but it will result in the shift of focus on the use of natural gas from energy to production. If done correctly, this will not mean a /reduction/ in the work available. But, it will mean a shift in the focus of where that work happens. However, a redirection in the focus of work and investment is very problematic for current revenue programs of industry leading companies in Canada.

Economic impacts of climate change

Economic impacts of climate change

There is some new research about the drag on the economy of climate change. The new research questions the validity of previous studies which seemed to not attempt to model the direct effect of increased temperatures. This one looks at those in conjunction with temperature, extreme heat, extreme precipitation, and extreme wind effects on the economy.

Investment in industrial research

Investment in industrial research

Productivity is dependent on not just the investment in research, but the implementation of new technologies that increase profitability. A new report from the Dallas Fed points out that there is a way a state can foster increases in productivity from new technological investment, which is funding federal industrial research programs. In Canada, we have not done this in a way to foster actual productivity gains.