Editors (What's Left)

Organized opposition to Trump still comes from the same places | What's Left

The 'far-right' is really just the politics of division. The liberal press call it 'populism', but in reality it is the opposite of that. Trump is an expression of power of the elite social minority. In many ways, in the US and other countries where the far-right has won, we are witnessing the replacement of the liberal elite minority with the another elite minority: those who are unconstrained in their use of social aggression and violence. It is for this reason that socialists are the ones who will be leading the battle against the rise of the far-right.

What's Left 2017-01-08 Volume 85

Fake news about fake news; we have not started the year on a positive note.; Trudeau's Liberals, same as the old; Income inequality grows in Canada; Kentucky goes full speed down the anti-worker and anti-women road; SEIU slashes spending 30% in response to majority Republican elections; Book Review: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin; What we shared this week.

What's Left This Year | What's Left

What's Left is a collaborative project of solidarity, love, and passion to add something positive to the struggle for a better world. We have truly enjoyed writing, sharing, and debating the finer points of socialist analysis, our victories, and setbacks. Thank you for all of your support throughout the year.