Right-wing Brazilians seize on judicial investigations to spark protests | What's Left
The Brazilian right-wing press have seized on national political fissures in an attempt to unseat the ruling party. They are calling for mass protests against government corruption and the current sitting president. And while some have termed it a referendum, it is anything but.
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The judicial branch of the state has emboldened this opposition with its accusations that the national oil company and government-aligned private sector building conglomerates have been pursuing pet projects throughout Latin America. Not much has been proven in terms of corruption, but allegations fly easily.
Two years ago, Citizens’ Press was reporting on Brazil’s unprecedented national protests in Porto Alegre. Back then it was identified that the newly-formed Free Brazil Movement would make it their mission to harass left-wing political parties. Their goal was to prevent a crystallization of a progressive popular program before the federal election. This was one of the reasons the election was so close. The ruling left-wing party is making efforts to re-engage and deepen its relationship with social movements and civil society in the face of these right-wing protest groups. This is the only long-term sustainable strategy for left-wing parties in Brazil.
More: 2013 CP article: Student Assemblies in Porto Alegre
More: Brazil Girds for Protests as Rousseff Faces Impeachment Risk