Kissinger hindered US effort to end mass killings in Argentina, according to files | The Guardian
“During his years as secretary of state, Kissinger had encouraged Argentina’s military junta to stamp out “terrorism”. … The newly declassifed cables show how Kissinger lauded Videla and other officials for their methods during his 1978 visit. … The documents’ release – which had been announced by Barack Obama during a visit to Argentina in March – was welcomed by Argentina’s human rights secretary, Claudio Avruj.” Full story here.
Also see: Hillary Clinton’s Embrace of Kissinger Is Inexcusable | The Nation
“Kissinger is a unique monster. He stands not as a bulwark against Donald Trump’s feared recklessness and immorality but as his progenitor. As Richard Nixon’s aide-de-camp, Kissinger helped plan and execute a murderous, illegal foreign policy—in Southeast and South Asia, Southern Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America—as reckless and immoral as anything Trump now portends. Millions died as a result of his actions. Kissinger and Nixon threatened to use nuclear weapons, and, indeed, Kissinger helped inscribe the threat of “limited nuclear war” into doctrine. Kissinger, in the 1970s, not only dug the hole that the greater Middle East finds itself in, but, as an influential cheerleader for both the first Gulf War in 1991 and its 2003 sequel, helped drive the United States into that ditch.”