This week in Left Noise

This Week in Left Noise is a new feature of What's Left. Left Noise outlines the music that accompanies the movements, revolutions and icons of the struggle for social justice and the hope for a better future.

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First, have a listen to “Lets sink this Capitalist System in the darkest pits of Hell” sung by Sarah Ogan Gunning in the classic “Come All Ye Coal Miners”.

Come All Ye Coal Miners

Bonus: Uncle Tupelo cover version.


Prince died this past week. Digg has a good round-up of the writings about his life and death, Boombox has a good list of his most political songs, and, for the melancholy, a YouTube video is below of Prince covering Radiohead’s song “Creep”. It is also important to note that Prince was a champion of the working class and was a union member for over 40 years: the AFL-CIO remembers Prince with a tribute.

Remembering Prince

Political Songs by Prince

“Creep” - Prince at Coachella 2008

Prince was a champion for working people | AFL-CIO


Keeping with south of the boarder politics, the artists YG and Nipsey have release a great diss track about Donald Trump: (FDT - Fuck Donald Trump). Can’t wait to hear Trump’s response.

FDT - Article and Video


And, finally, Edward Snowden has a little more time on his hands and has teamed up with Jean-Michel Jarre to release a new techno track.

Edward Snowden Made a Techno Track; Will He EGOT?

The Story behind “Exit” || Jean-Michel Jarre & Edward Snowden