Nelson Mandela: Will the ANC Sell-out Workers? | MRZine
From the archives.
“You must support the African National Congress only so far as it delivers the goods, if the ANC government does not deliver the goods, you must do to it what you have done to the apartheid regime … The South African Communist Party, as well, must not be complacent. I do not think we will ever betray the South African Communist Party. It has been our ally for more than 70 years, we have fought and suffered together, our comrades have died together. Many of them remained in the battlefield and never returned. I don’t think with such a tradition, with such a background, it is possible for the ANC ever to betray the South African Communist Party … But, it will be foolhardy for the South African Communist Party to become complacent and to rely exclusively on the bone fides of the ANC. Who ever knew that the Soviet Union would disappear? Who ever knew that the eastern democracies would disappear from the scene, and become something totally different from a socialist society? That is an experience which requires the SACP and its leadership not to be complacent.”
Also see: Mandela Travels to Miami Amid Protests Over Castro | The New York Times
“In his speech to 6,000 union members at the national convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Mr. Mandela urged continuation of international pressure on the South African Government to end apartheid. Union officials later announced that they had raised $274,500 for the African National Congress in the last two weeks.”