Julian Assange condemns Swedish handling of sexual assault claims | The Guardian
“For more than four years [the Swedish prosecutor] refused to go to London to interview Assange, but changed her mind in March after a Swedish court questioned her failure to make progress in the investigation. … But it was June before the Swedish government made an official request to Ecuador to enter the embassy … but not in time to prevent the time limit on most of the accusations running out.” Full story here. Also see: Chelsea Manning faces solitary for possessing banned materials | Quartz “Here are the materials found in Manning’s cell that were confiscated: Vanity Fair issue with Caitlyn Jenner on the cover, Advocate, OUT Magazine, Cosmopolitan issue with an interview of Chelsea, Transgender Studies Quarterly, novel about trans issues “A Safe Girl to Love,” book “Hacker, Hoaxer, Whistleblower, Spy — The Many Faces of Anonymous,” book “I Am Malala,” 5 books by Robert Dorkin, legal documents including the Senate Torture Report, book: “Hidden Qualities that Make Us Influential.” It is unclear why these items would be banned.”