Clear lack of action on youth unemployment in #bdgt14
Prior to revealing their latest federal budget, the Conservative government had talked up their measures looking to help youth facing a grim employment options.
Despite the hype, the federal budget 2014 revealed yesterday falls flat on addressing youth unemployment. Here are some reactions to the budget dealing specifically with the issue of young workers. *In English* Young workers left behind in budget 2014| Angela MacEwan, Canadian Labour Congress Federal Budget Fails to Address Student Debt or Youth Unemployment | Canadian Federation of Students Youth employment measures in #bdgt14 do little to fix a big problem | Kayle Hatt, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives *En français* Le budget fédéral ne prévoit aucune mesure pour l’accessibilité de l’éducation et de la formation | Fédération canadienne des étudiantes et étudiants Les priorités fédérales 2014 : chars, nucléaire et ski-doo | Simon Tremblay-Pepin, Institut de recherche et d’information socio-économiques