Addicted to bitumen: The hidden face of the Alberta oil boom | Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois

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“Last week, accompanied by some dozen other Quebecois activists, I visited Fort McMurray, Alberta. This city, the global nerve centre of tar sands production, is a city like no other. What I saw and heard there moved me deeply, and the tragedy of Lac Megantic has only served to reinforce those feelings. I will be back.”

Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois is the former co-spokesperson for Quebec student association CLASSE. This is the first of a series of three texts on this trip. Read it here.

The articles were originally published in French on the Huffington Post Quebec, see links below:

Drogué au bitume: la face cachée de la prospérité albertaine

La peau prend le goût du soufre

D’un pays dévasté à un pays en deuil