Actions You Can Take to Fight Bill C-377
Some labour unions and associations have made some of their online lobbying tools available to those who want to contact their MP (and their family and friends) and let them know what they think of Bill C-377.
Canadian Labour Congress’ Email Your MP
The CLC has an easy to use email your MP a message opposing Bill C-377. Petition Against Bill C-377
See here for a petition being supported “Alexandre Boulerice, Député NPD / NPD MP.
Avaaz Petition: Act to block the adoption of Bill C-377
See here for a petition to defend workers from Conservative attacks on their unions.
Workers Build Canada
The Trades Council of the AFL-CIO affiliated trades unions have put together a website for action where you can email, e-fax, mail, and invite other to do the same through social networks. Visit the website Workers Build Canada to take advantage of these online tools.
Public Service Alliance of Canada - National Capital Region
The PSAC-NCR has released a letter (in PDF format) with links to actions their members can take to push back against Bill C-377.
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
The IBEW have released a full Lobby Kit that includes all of the necessary material, summary and background information anyone would need to talk to their MP (or anyone else) about the negative implications of Bill C-377.
United Food and Commercial Workers
The UFCW have an action page where you can send a quick email to your MP on Bill C-377 just by putting your postal code into their online activist tool.